Posts tagged “charity

A Charitable Perspective

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It seems that as the weather changes and the leaves begin to fall from the tree, people’s mindset of importance changes.  From carefree, sun-soaked days on the beach to overcast weekends, cuddled up with loved ones indoors, the very season shift calls for a sense of unity, togetherness and warmth.  Maybe this is why people seem to be more in the holiday spirit of giving;  maybe it’s because of the Christmas trees and decorations that are sold in Costco, all over America, the day after Labor Day each year.  Whatever the reason, one fact remains.  This time of the year, people are in the holiday spirit and a more charitable than other times of the year.

Well, whatever the reason, we share the same sentiment at BLVD Hotels.  To date, we have participated in a handful of non-profits and foundations, including the recent 2015 Special Olympics World Games Los Angeles.  And, even though we have participated in charitable organizations all year-long, we really ramp things up in the fall/winter.  As a brand, we feel that it is important to be a great neighbor and contributing to the communities where we reside comes second nature to us


This very month, we are continuing our efforts with the Susan G. Komen Foundation.  We have a room package that allows guest a discount in room rate, while also contributing to the wonderful cause seeking to end Breast Cancer.  Last year was the first year of our participation with the Susan G. Komen Foundation and we were thrilled by the support and enthusiasm we felt from our guest.  So much so, we decided to make this a yearly package.
Komen logo for CMS

Next month, we continue year two of our efforts for Movember US.  Similar to Susan G. Komen Foundation, we have a package that raises funds and awareness for our hotel guest.  The man difference though, is that a lot of our hotel staff participates in the Movember US cause by shaving their beards and growing a mean stache for the month.  The cause fights to “change the face of men’s health”, and we gladly oblige.

In December, we cap our year of charitable endeavors with our partnership with Children’s Hospital Los Angeles.  In this campaign, we have both a room package and an opportunity to complete a donation for a paper butterfly that will be displayed in the lobby of our hotels.  The goal, as always, is to raise funds and awareness for the great impact that CHLA is making on a regular basis CHLA-Butterfly-Logo-RGB-450x245

We hope that you will join us in the final quarter of the year and be apart of our fight to support great cause throughout our community.  At the BLVD Hotels, we feel that charitable and philanthropic efforts are a 365 days commitment.  We look forward to you participating with us and thank you for your contribution.